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Curly Craft wooden boats

Included as part of the sale is A finished inboard runabout, a 1958 outboard runabout which was in the process of restoration, and a jig built to produce a 14 foot boat.  As well as several model kit boats (pictured below.)

Pee Wee fiberglass runabout

Compact yet fun on the water, The Pee Wee boat was designed to fit in the back of your station wagon. (boat is not available or included in sale. Pictures are for historical reference.)

Included in the sale is the fiberglass mold to create these small boats.

Sailboat kits and Hydroplane

After production ceased in 1958, The company began to produce model kit boats available for the consumer to build their own sailboat or hydroplane. As part of the sale, 2 completed sailboats and a hydroplane are included. 

Several sailboats and hydroplanes on display at a local marine exposition in the early 1970's. Seated behind the counter toward the back is the boss, Art. (boats pictured to the right are not part of sale. Image is for historical reference.)

A 1958 outboard runabout. Note the fins which were standard on the later model vessels. 

A historic photo of what this boat looked like fully assembled. This is not the boat for sale, but a representation of how it would look completed from the Curly Craft archives. 

The original fiberglass mold used to create the fins on later models. 

Wooden jig to build a 14 foot boat.

A beautifully finished 1958 Runabout featured as the "Commodores vessel" in 1986 at Albert Lea Minnesota.  

1936 Evinrude 16.2 H.P. Outboard with Electric start. This outboard is serial number 0001. This outboard is included in the sale of the Curly Craft boat co. 

Outboard motors included in the sale. 

SD-15 Johnson outboard. 

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